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Here's the latest news from CPAW NJ! Meet the Fabric kittens: Taffeta, Denim, Corduroy, Poplin & Cluny! Trapping coordinator Jen put every Fiber of her being into catching this crew. She was on Pins and Needles when a mom cat and her litter of 5 were...

Here's the latest news from CPAW NJ! Future trapper Olivia says if you find kittens, tell CPAW so we can spay the mom and stop more kittens from being born outside! Good job, Olivia. Gotta start em young! Knowledge is power Furriends, we need you! To gain...

Here's the latest news from CPAW NJ! Yesterday our ameowzing trapper Jen released a cat, and this grandma cat came out and gave her a disapproving look as if to say, “Where did you take my child?” Know someone who is feeding outdoor cats? Reach...